Q: What can I expect in our initial session?

The initial meeting is an opportunity for you to get to know me and whether you would be happy working with me. For me, the ‘therapeutic relationship’ is key in supporting you with making positive change, so it is really important to get the right fit for you.

It is also a chance for me to find out more about what has brought you to counselling and what your hopes are for our time together.

There is no obligation to make an immediate decision, and the next steps are in your hands.

Q: How many sessions do I need?

We can all find ourselves in counselling for many different reasons and at different times in our lives. I am very much of the opinion that everyone should have the opportunity to have time to focus on themselves; explore thoughts and feelings that may have led them to become ‘stuck’; have support in tackling life’s challenges; or finding greater meaning in life by gaining a real understanding about yourself, and what you really want and need.

The basis of ‘person-centred’ therapy is that the sessions are led by you and whatever you wish to bring to them. We will go at your own pace, and in your own time. I offer short and long-term therapy and we will have regular reviews to tailor the duration of our time together to suit your needs. Again, there is no obligation on you to commit.

Q: If I choose ‘Walk and Talk’ therapy what will I need to be prepared for?

A ‘Walk and Talk’ approach is always preceded by an initial meeting in a practice room to discuss your requirements. As well as discussing your therapeutic needs, we will also decide on a route, terrain and pace that suits you.

We can agree prior to our sessions if there are any weather conditions you would not be happy walking in, otherwise we can take the approach of “there is no bad weather, just bad clothing!” but obviously this is your choice. Essentially, these are counselling sessions in the freedom of the outdoors, and many clients feel more at ease in this setting.

Q: What if I need to cancel, or I miss a session?

You must provide 7 days’ notice if you wish to cancel a session at no cost or receive a refund.  If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice you will incur a £25 cancellation fee. Should you need to cancel I will endeavor to transfer your booking to a different time and date wherever possible.  All missed sessions will be charged in full. 

If you are taking holiday longer than 2 weeks, payment in advance is required if you wish to retain the same date/time slot of your ongoing sessions, otherwise it may be made available to other clients.